Too Tired To Title

Tate had a long appointment today. His exam with the oncologist Dr. Wantanabe was followed by a transfusion of platelets, 1000ml of fluids, Vincristine, and Erwinia shots.

Tate will get a hemoglobin transfusion and Erwinia shots Friday. Today his blood work indicated his hemoglobin level is too low, but not so low that he has to go in tomorrow. The doctor was comfortable waiting for Friday.

Tate spiked a fever at home last night for the first time since his diagnosis in May. There was one other fever in August, but he happened to be in the hospital when that one hit, and it was immediately addressed by the nurses. Last night I checked on Tate at 10:30, and his skin was hot to the touch. I checked on him every hour until 2:30am when the number on the thermometer started going back down. I spent part of the time between 10:30pm and 2:30am buzzing around the house preparing to go to the hospital and part of it sleeping. By 6:00am his temperature had returned to normal and has stayed normal all day. The worst of it was that we were both exhausted when we had to leave for the clinic this morning, and that is not so bad at all.

Tonight Tate gets the last of his Thioguanine pills. Yay! Every dose of chemotherapy he takes gets him a little closer to the end of Delayed Intensification.

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