Ring The Bell And Run Like . . .

This title is brought to you by my friend Mary Jane who would never in a million years finish that sentence. The last time we got together and she asked how we were all doing, all I could say was that we’re moving forward but that I wasn’t certain...

This Is BIG!

Today is exactly one year since Tate’s last chemotherapy infusion. Can you believe it? A whole year. Tate’s appointment went well. His blood work looks good; the platelets that were so low they caused everyone alarm have increased to an almost normal level, and his ANC is in a...

July 2022 Checkup & Check-in

“This is why it’s always bad when she reads the numbers out loud.” An exasperated laugh, a sardonic smile, eyes rolling as we walked to the car. I couldn’t help myself. There was a moment today when my eyes filled with tears in the flash of a second, and...


Three great things have happened in the last three weeks. First, and most importantly, all of Tate’s bloodwork is looking good! He has had four checkups since his last chemotherapy treatment in September, and everything is right where it’s supposed to be. His white blood cells are still on...

Port – Bell – Party

Big news! Tate had the surgery to remove his port on Friday morning! If you’re not sure what that means, a port is a small device that was surgically inserted in his chest the first week he was diagnosed with Leukemia. It allows a patient to have chemotherapy, fluids,...

Last Chemo Everything

This past week has been one of the biggest of our lives. Tate’s last chemotherapy infusion was Wednesday morning, and last night he took his last doses of Prednisone and Mercaptopurine pills. He’s DONE! Greg’s and my emotions are all over the place. We’re so happy and grateful Tate...

Methotrexate & Mercaptopurine

This weekend Greg picked up Tate’s last two refills of at-home chemotherapy pills and it’s giving me feelings....

Knee Tumor Update

Several months ago, an MRI of Tate’s knee revealed a little tumor. It turns out the tumor wasn’t what was causing his knee pain – it was something the doctors found by accident when he was limping through the holidays with a bad bout of patellar tendonitis. It’s one...

Dancing in the OR

Tate’s second-to-last chemotherapy treatment is done! ONE MORE LEFT! One more. I can hardly believe it. I can hardly believe it ever happened, and I can hardly believe it’s almost over. Tate had an appointment last Thursday to get cleared for his last lumbar puncture. The nurse taking care...

Root Beer Run

This morning I requested time off for Tate’s last two chemotherapy appointments.  Then I put my head on my desk and cried.  I cannot, after more than three years of watching him go through treatment, imagine that in two months this part ends and a new chapter begins.  I...