This Guy

Today was quiet and lovely and rainy.  Tate was awake much of the day, and he ate three meals even though I am pretty sure he didn’t want any of them.  Without the appetite stimulants, the amount of food he is able to eat is decreasing daily.  His weight will be taken at his appointment tomorrow morning, and we have an agreement that he will resume taking appetite stimulants if it has dropped at all.  I can see him growing thinner, but Tate is a scientific guy and requires data before making that decision.

Tomorrow’s appointment should be relatively quick.  He will get the three Erwinase injections and then hang out for an hour to make sure he does not have a reaction.  Friday’s appointment will include an exam with the Oncologist and three types of chemo.

I woke up so grateful for the absence of cancer cells in Tate’s bone marrow.  After everything he has gone through, it is so good to find out treatment is working.