Steroids Are A Bummer

Tate finished his 7-day course of steroids yesterday, and he said they made him feel terrible. They weaken his body all over while simultaneously preventing him from sleeping and messing with his emotions; he’s physically and mentally exhausted.

Tate had an appointment with the nurse practitioner this morning; the purpose was to make sure he would be in good shape going into the weekend and over Christmas. Despite his increased pain level and overall misery, his blood work looked very strong. His hemoglobin and platelets were within normal ranges, so he did not need any transfusions. His ANC was boosted by the steroids, but that number is expected to decrease rapidly. They gave him some fluids since he has been struggling with headaches and abdominal pain and hasn’t been able to drink much water the last couple of days.

Tate handed out peppermint candy to all the staff that helped him today. I love that every adult he offered candy to took a handful and thanked him for the gift. It showed such grace. Tate considered handing the rest out to people in the waiting room, but ultimately decided against it and left the bag for the nurses to share with their other patients.

When we got home from the appointment Tate had a huge lunch and then thankfully passed out. He has been asleep for a few hours, which he desperately needed. Our hope is that his energy and good spirits return as the effects of the steroids fade.

Next week Tate has an appointment on the 26th to clear him for a huge treatment day on the 27th. If his numbers are at a safe level, he will get a spinal tap, intrathecal Methotrexate, Cyclophosphaide and ARA-C through his port, and Thioguanine in pill form.

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