Rebounding. . . Hopefully

This is how Tate walked into his appointment Monday morning: hoodie to protect his head from the cold, wraparound glasses to protect his eyes from the sunlight, and a mask to protect patients in the lobby from his cold. We spent all of last year being hypersensitive to people being sick near Tate, and this year we’re conscious not to do it to someone else.

Me: “You look like you’re going to rob a Circle K.”

ID Grandma: “Spooky”

Greg: “You look like the Unabomber!”

Who wouldn’t feel confident surrounded by that much love and support?!

The appointment went well. Tate’s ANC rebounded to 1300 so he was able to resume his nightly chemo at a half dose. He has an appointment in two weeks, and they will re-evaluate his at-home dose at that time. We hope he’ll be able to go back to his regular dose, which is technically only a half-dose for his age/weight/height.

After two scary weeks, Tate is feeling better. His stomach pain is nearly gone, and the five new pills he takes per day probably have something to do with that. But it’s progress, and that means everything. He has gone from being in so much pain he could barely move to wondering why we keep asking how his belly feels.

Scott, Spicy Grandma, Tate, Spicy Mark

Tate was even feeling good enough to leave the house a couple times! Once for my birthday dinner with the Spicys and the other to support his brother at a recital at ASU with his ID Grandma.

Tate, ID Grandma, Scott

We’re hoping Tate’s cold doesn’t take over so he can celebrate Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be grateful for.

This flower arrangement is from my mom’s lifelong friend Kathy. She’s always thinking of us.
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