Getting There!

Something AMAZING happened last weekend. Tate went to a Magic The Gathering event by himself and stayed all day. He was limping, hungry, and had a rash when we picked him up, but none of that seemed important compared to the huge smile on his face and the string...

October 2019 Chemo

Tate scared us this week. He said, “I think it’s time for me to tell you about something. My lung hurts every time I take a deep breath.” Outwardly I was calm and said we’ll be sure to mention it at his upcoming appointment, but inwardly I spiraled into...


Tate has had a pretty good couple of weeks. He fought off a cold without complication, dove into a Stephen King book, went to therapy, and got to hang out with his brother, which is his favorite. Tate’s physical therapist Duane is always pushing him to get out of...

Coffee & Cookie

In June 2018, a little coffee shop called The Organic Bean Cafe held a fund raiser to help pay for Tate’s medical expenses. I had never met the owners before, but they knew Tate because they hired him and his best bud Clark to play their cellos one evening....

Two in a Row!

Tate has made it through two steroids cycles without using his wheelchair! Woo hoo! Not only that, he let me take the wheelchair out of his room today. That is HUGE! Huge. Greg and I are thrilled he is finally comfortable moving through the house on his feet again....

September 2019 Chemo

Tuesday’s appointment and chemo went as well as possible. Tate had nothing new and weird to report, and the dizziness he has been fighting is going away. His ANC was only 637, but we’re instructed not to worry unless it drops below 500. Right…don’t worry. Even good chemo days...

The Best Week

This is the best week of the month; the week before he has chemo. Tate is at his strongest and most energetic. He’s awake more. He moves around more. The version of the kid he used to be shines through: mischievous, funny, smart, unimpressed. It seems that injury comes...

SSRI Withdrawal

Tate had a pretty good week. He gave us a little scare, but everything turned out to be okay. Wednesday afternoon Tate told us he was dizzy. It was alarming to watch him walk! His body parts were moving all over the place instead of together. We were afraid...


Thank Goodness It’s Day 8! Tate had a bad week. He woke up sick to his stomach a few days ago and stayed that way until this morning. We don’t know whether it was related to chemotherapy last week or if he was fighting something new. We realize it...

Goal: No Wheelchair

Tate is half-way through his steroid pulse, and misery has set in. We expect him to be feeling better when he wakes up Wednesday. That’s the timeline we have come to expect. It’s hard to see him suffering, but this time is a little different. A little better. Tate...