Change of Plans & Run On Sentences

Originally Tate was scheduled to have an appointment with his Oncologist today and chemotherapy and a spinal tap tomorrow, but citing COVID-19 precautions, Phoenix Children’s Hospital has closed the surgery center/procedure room at the clinic and is sending its patients to the hospital instead. Tate still met with Dr....

Thanks for the Cucumber!

I have not posted in a long time because things at the Dwayne have been very quiet. We cancelled Tate’s physical and occupational therapy appointments for a month, and his community college has closed its campus. We have been watching the news in horror as a global health crisis...

Social Distancing Since 2018

My Facebook feed is full of conflicting opinions and actions: some people are carrying on like normal and “refusing to live in fear” while others are taking active measures to protect themselves and self-quarantining. Some people I know are posting pictures from road trips, theaters, etc. Others are hunkered...


Coronavirus hype is everywhere we look. The news is terrifying. People everywhere are using hand sanitizer and wearing masks, and all I an say is welcome to our world. We have been living the paranoia since May 2018, and it isn’t easy. Every sniffling person is suspicious, every cough...

Rocks in the Washer

Tate is doing awesome. He hasn’t missed class since having the flu at the beginning of the semester, and having a little freedom in the form of driving has been really good for him. My heart soars every time I see him drive away. He is still very new...

New Normal

Tate has been doing great. He’s driving himself to class every day for a week, and he LOVES it. He doesn’t love class – ha ha – he loves leaving by himself and having a little freedom. Freedom he has fought so hard for! My heart fills with gratitude...

Bad, Bad, Good!

Sally does such a good job with this blog that I have not wanted to defile it with my commentary that often but I have some things to share. First, the difficult. A few weeks ago Tate had a follow up MRI appointment and then a consultation with the...

Dear Tate

Dear Tate, Celebrating your 18th birthday is the sweetest thing. I’m sorry you have had to fight so hard and endure so much pain. Childhood isn’t supposed to be like that. We have always been proud of you, and never more so than now. You have kept your goals...

Quick Update

Tate is doing better! After spending most of last week and weekend in bed, he’s back at school and even attending a YSSW concert with tonight with his longtime friend Emma. He still has a cough, but his energy level and overall condition have greatly improved....

Scrubbing the Ceiling

Day 2 of monitoring Tate’s flu and fever at home is going well. It’s not great, but nothing new and alarming has happened, and in our chronically stressed out world that counts as a win. Tate actually woke up feeling worse this morning, but by the afternoon he was...