Semester 3 at MCC

Things here are quiet and good; it’s a calm we’ve been in desperate need of. Tate started his third semester at Mesa Community College, and much like last semester, his spirits are lifted with having something to do – even if it’s learn Calculus 3. His cough is nearly...

Make A Wish

“Here’s your presents! Here’s your pizza!” Tate’s Make A Wish representative Carlos delivered Tate’s wish in December. Tate was a mess that day; he woke up really sick and his knee hurt so bad he could barely walk. Still, it was an incredible experience. Make a Wish is truly...


Tate woke up feeling much better a couple days ago; his cough and his knee pain are both less. They’re not gone, but they’re going away. He started taking a daily walk again, and he even asked to start his exercises again. Woo hoo! He is weak from being...

Emergency Peppermint Mocha

Thirteen days and two negative COVID tests later, Tate is still sick. We took him to the clinic yesterday to get checked out because he just isn’t getting better, and in some strange, ironic twist, all his test results look great. He’s doing amazing except for the sick part!...

Resolved, Sort Of…

At the end of 2019 I made the same New Year’s Resolutions I always do: lose weight, be smarter with money, exercise more and stare at my phone less. This year I also had a bigger, more difficult, more important, secret resolution: I wasn’t going to be afraid anymore....

Overachieve Much?

Tate’s appointment this morning went well for the most part. The notification text we got from Phoenix Children’s Hospital confirming his check-in time was wrong, so we thought we were arriving 20 minutes early only to find out we were an hour late. While Tate was getting shuffled through...

But How?

And just like that, Tate is super skinny again. Yesterday when we were doing his exercises – well, he exercises and I count reps while telling him mundane stories – he was noticeably bony. I asked him to step onto our bathroom scale, and somehow he weighs less than...

Chemo, Coffee, and Calculus

There’s no way Tate’s Calculus professor could know how hard he works to keep up. Tate had three appointments last week, but he never lets that get in the way of getting his work done. If anything, going back to school – even during this time of strange virtual...

October 2020 Update

Yeah…I realize I’m giving an October update on the second day of November. Time hasn’t been racing by exactly, but my heart and brain have been trying to reconcile feeling so much hope for our own family while grieving for another. My co-worker recently lost her son Shawn to...

Countdown #1

You guys… One year from today, September 25, 2021, is Tate’s last day of scheduled treatment. It’s so exciting! There is a possibility he might have to finish a steroid pulse that week which would extend treatment by a few days, but that’s not something we will know until...