Help Us Protect Tate!

Today we went to Tate’s appointment expecting to be home by noon, but when they ran his blood work it indicated he badly needed platelets and two bags of blood.  Tate ended up having to stay at the clinic for more than 8 hours to get chemo, blood, and...


Today began as many of our Tuesdays do lately.  We arrived at the clinic early in the morning for a lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap.  His spinal fluid will be tested for leukemia cells, and he was given a dose of intrathecal chemotherapy.  Here is Tate in...

A Note of Gratitude

Hearing the doctor say that our son has Luekemia made the world come crashing down around us.  In an instant, our hopes for the future were shattered, and we knew life would never be the same. Having a child with cancer is threatening on a primitive level.  Every instinct...

Cure vs Disease

The table in our hallway previously reserved for dust and Christmas decorations has been converted to the centralized location for Tate’s prescriptions and medical supplies.  Managing medication properly is crucial, and even difficult at times.  Most of the prescriptions on the table are to combat the effects of chemotherapy. ...

A Better Day

Today Tate was awake much more and even spent time sitting in his wheelchair studying Magic cards.  If anyone out there wants to come over and play MTG with Tate, you are most welcome! Today a special childhood friend visited Tate and brought him an extraordinary gift.  She found...

Not Even Taco Tuesday

Today was a long day.  Tate had a lumbar puncture followed by chemo.  The doctors kept him for observation and gave him fluids afterward because his blood pressure was low when he woke from general anestesia.  The extra fluids seemed to help with the headache he usually gets on...


Day 3 back on chemotherapy has Tate feeling “gross.”...

Consolidation: Phase 2

Yesterday’s appointment was a cheerful one for the most part.  Tate has been feeling so much better after a break from chemotherapy.  His blood test indicated his body is strong enough to resume chemotherapy, so we spent all day at the clinic.  Tate did his hair EXTRA special for...

Much Improved

Tate is back home after a 9-day stay at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.  Hooray!  Right now he is happily happy to be hanging out in his own room with his brother.  Greg is relaxing in the TV room with his BFF (big furry friend) Ludo, and I got to spend...