Much Improved

Tate is back home after a 9-day stay at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.  Hooray!  Right now he is happily happy to be hanging out in his own room with his brother.  Greg is relaxing in the TV room with his BFF (big furry friend) Ludo, and I got to spend the evening catching up with a sweet friend that brought us a delicious dinner.

Tate was admitted to the hospital July 30 because his pain had become more than we could manage at home.  The cumulative effects of chemotherapy and a physical therapy assessment left him unable to move his arms or legs without excruciating pain.  In the hospital Tate was treated by the pain team, the oncology team, a neurologist from Barrow, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and an army of nurses.  This afternoon Tate left the hospital stronger than he went into it.  He has worked very hard to regain some mobility, and he is putting a lot of effort into getting stronger.

We have a follow-up appointment Monday morning with Tate’s oncologist, and we hope to learn how the tumor board has decided to proceed with treatment.  Tate has proven to be a tricky patient.  The doctors are now tasked with devising a plan that attacks his cancer without causing further damage to his body.

Greg, Tate, and I would like to thank everyone that came to visit.  Some of you traveled a long way to make sure we had all the love and support we needed.  One night I was just crumbling from fear of where we were, what could happen, and everything that had already happened.  Upon receiving my miserable, desperate text messages, my sister drove six hours to get to us as soon as she could!  We have been so fortunate never to have felt alone in this journey.  We have been surrounded by people with big hearts, and that has made all the difference.


Visits to the hospital are quiet.   Most of the goofiness takes place in the hall.

Tate, happy to be home.  Note the crazy cat pajamas.