
Tate’s ANC is 300 today, which is 6 lower than it was two weeks ago. If you’re keeping track, you know that means it went the wrong direction. The Nurse Practitioner Angie assured us she didn’t see anything alarming in his blood work. His hemoglobin, platelets, and monocytes (a kind of white blood cell) have all increased, and she anticipates his ANC will follow. Her explanation was that the monocytes have to lay the groundwork for the ANC to rise, and they have increased from 5% to 39% since his last appointment. Tate has an appointment Monday morning for a re-check before his MRI. Tate will have weekly appointments for blood work until his ANC is high enough to go back to monthly appointments.

With an ANC this low, Tate is very vulnerable to infection and illness. I was hoping he would be safe to resume normal activities and meet his friends somewhere again; Tate wanted to “hit up Dean for some sushi.” On the way home from the appointment I asked Tate how he was taking the news his ANC was still too low. He said, “I’m unfazed by it.” I believe him.

Tate is feeling good enough to enjoy some of our gorgeous weather. He came to the mailbox with me today, and we bumped into two wonderful ladies that live in our neighborhood. They have both checked on us regularly for several months, and the huge smiles they greeted us with warmed my heart. It was so nice to share some joy with them, as they have seen me on some of my worst days, a crying mess answering the front door in pajamas.

Greg, photo bomb expert

I made some of Tate’s favorites for dinner tonight in the spirit of keeping things happy despite another week of isolation. Pretzel rolls and meat pockets; they don’t specifically go together, but both are comforting and delicious.

I have been putting flowers in Tate’s room lately, and he really appreciates them. I try to get him a different kind each week; so far he has had daffodils, freesia, and irises decorating his room. This week I bought my sister’s favorite: tulips. If you have any favorite flower recommendations, send them my way!