Maintenance Phase, Home Edition

Our house doesn’t seem to care we have been busy with Tate’s many appointments for the last year. It’s doing what all houses do, which is need attention when its people are focused elsewhere. Now that Tate’s ANC is at a safer level, we’ve had a little energy for some maintenance.

We were finally able to replace the smelly old carpet when Tate’s ANC climbed to a normal number. Woo hoo!
For reasons I don’t completely understand, the armrest of Tate’s wheelchair was laying in the living room, chewed up by a huge dog who will remain nameless. Replacing both pads was a 5-minute job once I realized the whole side is removable. But it took me 20 minutes to figure that out.
When a talented clarinetist and a mild-mannered mortgage professional put on matching sunglasses and learn how to replace breakers. Working with electricity is not my favorite, but cold showers are even less favorite. After watching a few youtube tutorials and investing in insulated screwdrivers, we have hot water again.
This wasn’t even the biggest leak in our drip system. The next one I uncovered sprayed so high that water landed on the neighbors’ roof.
Once it got hot outside, Greg spent two afternoons moving Dwayne’s enclosure back to the shady spot in our yard. Dwayne seems happy to be back in his summer home.

We have been fortunate to have help when we need it. Sometimes it’s embarrassing when I look around and take note of the many things I once meant to do that are honestly not even on my radar anymore. Tate getting sick seemed to halt everything, and the majority of my effort went into germ patrol and crying. But people with big hearts and big smiles keep showing up and helping us. I am constantly in awe of how readily people share their gifts with us.

Some hard-working Woodchucks helped with our yard today while Tate and Dwayne supervised. Then they brought us dinner!

Friday, our wonderful neighbors are bringing us dinner. Since they’re doing the cooking, which for the record is always a treat, it frees me up to replace the heating element in our stovetop.

I don’t want to jinx anything, but that should be it for the stuff our house needs most immediately.

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