Green Light

Tate had an appointment with the Nurse Practitioner today and was cleared to begin the next phase of treatment, Delayed Intensification  (DI).  Tate is “anxious as heck” but resolved to continue.  On the way home from the appointment he was talking about how he’s worried about how terrible he is going to feel in a few weeks when the cumulative effects of treatment start hitting him.  He has gone through so much already it’s hard to imagine it might get worse.

Tomorrow morning Tate has an early lumbar puncture appointment.  He will be be getting an intrathecal dose of Methotrexate and two kinds of chemo through his port.  He also has to take steroids twice daily for the next week.  Friday the Erwinia shots begin again.

Thankfully today’s appointment was uneventful; normally we’re presenting new symptoms to be managed or challenges to address.  My mom and dad came to the appointment with us before heading home to Idaho.  Tate surprised us all by sliding off the exam table and taking a few steps to the door to talk to Greg and his nurse standing in the hallway.  It feels like it has been ages since I have seen him walk.  He knew he wouldn’t be able to stay upright very long and walked directly to Greg who caught hold of him when he began to fall over.

Any good vibes you can send our way are much appreciated!  I’ll post an update tomorrow evening, too.  Somehow I forgot my phone at home today and have no pictures to share.  I was so surprised to see him walk I would have likely missed the shot anyway!