Filiberto, Patron Saint of Tacos

Today’s appointment was pretty uneventful. Yay! Finally! As we were walking out, Greg and I were talking about how it may have been the first time we left an appointment feeling so lighthearted.

The purpose of the appointment was to check Tate’s ANC to determine whether his daily at-home chemo doses need to change. His ANC was 1155, which is right in range, so they are not going to adjust anything at this point. His ANC is still all over the place, but the hope is that it will become steady at some point and the doctors will be able to increase his daily chemo.

At 1155, Tate is safe to hang out with friends, be in public places, chow down on Sprouts sushi, and so on. He can have as normal a day as his body will allow.

After getting scolded by his nurse at the last appointment for not wearing cat clothes, Tate arrived in his craziest shirt: a cat wearing glasses sitting atop a llama unicorn with a rainbow and flying saucers in the sky.
For the last few months Tate has been filling some of the wait time playing Tetris. It has become tradition.
Ironically, the shirt that is so bright on the front is completely blank on the back.

We LOVE seeing Tate walk into and out of his appointments! He still uses his wheelchair quite a lot though. Being too tired to hold himself up, recovering from chemo days, and being too sore after therapy are recurring reasons for him to be rolling around instead of walking.

Tate felt pretty bad this afternoon with no real explanation. He was pale and queasy. I wasn’t too worried since he had just had a very thorough exam at the clinic and he didn’t have a fever, but it was clear he was struggling. Eventually I did what any mom would do and bought him tacos.

Hungry. He was hungry and didn’t recognize it.

After he ate, he was fine the rest of the day. Tacos are pure magic.