April 2021 Chemo

Tate’s chemotherapy appointment on Tuesday went well. All his numbers are good except his weight, which was 139 pounds (fully dressed without shoes). He got Vincristine and started a 5-day steroid pulse, and he’ll get the last dose tomorrow morning. And thank goodness for that because the Prednisone makes him miserable.

Waiting room antics. Tate swears he’s smiling behind his mask. Hmm, I’m not sure I buy it.

Tate isn’t doing great today. He woke up feeling sick to his stomach, and it hasn’t improved much. It’s so scary when he feels bad in a non-chemotherapy induced way. I think this isn’t something a person can get used to – knowing that he’s getting treated for something big, big, big and hoping something new isn’t brewing. It seems an obvious connection that the person that doesn’t want to eat feels sick when forced to eat. On the other hand, is it possible that a stomach ache can just be a stomach ache?

This is the kit to access the port in Tate’s chest so he can get his chemo. Tate always keeps the pen.

Tate is continuing to do do homework and study through it all. I went to check on him earlier today and he kicked me out of his room because he was busy doing school work. Evidently the combination of steroids, an anxious mom, and Calculus III can make a guy edgy.

Family Easter Pic

That’s it for us. We’re keeping it quiet at our house with the hope it will help Tate get through this month’s treatment and kick whatever is bringing him down.

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