A Note of Gratitude

Hearing the doctor say that our son has Luekemia made the world come crashing down around us.  In an instant, our hopes for the future were shattered, and we knew life would never be the same.

Having a child with cancer is threatening on a primitive level.  Every instinct I have is screaming.  I want to help him and to protect him, but I don’t know how.  Cancer is a foe you cannot reason with; it makes its own rules.  It’s not a teacher or coach you can resolve a problem with by email, a bully whose mom you can contact, or a person you can avoid at work by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Despite this being the most difficult time our family has ever experienced, we have so much to be grateful for.  We have been uplifted and supported by our family, friends, and community more than I ever dreamed possible.  Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.  There is no getting through this without you.





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