What Good News Looks Like

We are quietly and cautiously celebrating the results of last week’s bone marrow aspiration:  no evidence of cancer cells was detected.  This is a very important milestone!  More than 90% of pediatric Leukemia patients achieve remission after 28 days of treatment; Tate was on day 135 when this latest bone marrow sample was taken.  These test results mean that treatment is working, not that it’s over.  Tate still has several months of intense chemotherapy ahead of him to keep the cancer at bay, and he will be tested regularly to screen for relapse.

This is what good news looks like: a 16-year old boy with the courage and determination to keep fighting in spite of how difficult treatment has been.  Without warning chemotherapy denied him the freedom and strength to move his body, the dexterity to play his cello, and the ability pursue his education.  Tate endures treatment with the goal of getting it all back.

We woke Tate up to share the good news with him.  He lifted his head off his pillow, gave us a great big smile, and passed right back out.

Thank you all for the love, prayers, and good vibes.  We are headed the right direction!


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