
We found out at Tate’s appointment today that his oncologist consulted with an infectious disease specialist, and they determined that he should get the COVID vaccine. It’s very exciting! They said the vaccine won’t provide him as much protection as it would a normal person but that having it would be much better than nothing. Unfortunately, Tate isn’t eligible yet in spite of his high risk status. Right now, only people 75 years and older can cut in line.

Greg, an essential worker, got his first round a couple weeks ago, and Scott, a student teacher, has already gotten both the first round and the booster. They both said their arms were SORE after the shot, and while they didn’t feel great, the side effects were manageable.

Scott waiting in line for his vaccine at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, AZ. He rode over there with the teacher he’s student teaching with, which happens to be his junior high band teacher. Greg and I chuckled a little when we found out Scott and Mrs. Soper were carpooling to their COVID vaccine appointments. I can’t imagine a teacher leaving a better mark on a student! Not only did he come back to her for his last semester of college, they get along well enough they can spend 2+ hours in a car together. It’s just so awesome.
I rode with Greg to his 4:55am appointment. Sometimes extra vaccines are available when people miss their appointments, and they would rather give it to a standby than waste it. No such luck that day! Still, it was great to see how well organized the setup was. Super impressed.

Tate’s appointment went well. His ANC was 1470 – high for him, but still within range. His weight is steady; it’s still very low for his height, but he’s struggling to get it any higher. He got his Vincristine and then came home and passed out until he had to log on for class. Tate will start a 10-dose steroid pulse tonight that will end Sunday morning. If previous months provide any indication of how this one will go, Tate will feel lousy for 8 days and wake up feeling good next Wednesday.

After the nurse drew his blood, she let Tate fill the tubes that get sent to the lab.

It was a very quiet appointment, and his chemo went exactly how it’s supposed to. I have just realized that Tate is wearing two masks in the picture above – one is over his nose and mouth, and one is on his neck. How funny – masks everywhere!

Flowers this week are from Spicy Grandma and Spicy Mark

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