September 2019 Chemo

Tuesday’s appointment and chemo went as well as possible. Tate had nothing new and weird to report, and the dizziness he has been fighting is going away. His ANC was only 637, but we’re instructed not to worry unless it drops below 500.

Right…don’t worry.

Getting his port accessed
chemo and band-aids

Even good chemo days are hard. We used to stop at Sonic for corn dogs after treatment, but lately Tate has wanted Starbucks. Mocha helps.

Tate has been in bed since Tuesday morning, and even just laying there he looks so much stronger than he did a few months ago. I’m glad he’s banking those sleep hours because today or tomorrow the steroids will kick in and he’ll be awake and miserable all hours of the night.

Dwayne’s post-chemo meal.
MaryJane Wilson brought us what are possibly the prettiest sugar cookies I have ever seen. Delicious! Very blurry in this picture though.

Tate has physical and occupational therapy appointments Friday afternoon. We’re grateful he’s at a point where he can have a chemo appointment on Tuesday and still make it to therapy at the end of the week. He will be moving a lot slower, but he’ll be there, and that’s huge step in the right direction.

Flowers this week are pink carnations. Again. They’re just so pretty.