One and Done

Tate’s appointment today was pretty good. There was some confusion created by whoever set his appointment this week; both Greg and I thought he would have appointments today and Thursday, but it turns out he just needed one long appointment today.

Tate wasn’t strong enough to stand the entire time we waited, but he also didn’t want to sit on the grimy seats. We are all still a little wary of medical office lobby germs. He eventually perched on the back of the chairs.

The appointment got off to a very late start. We waited for more than 20 minutes before being called back, which is unusual. Having been the parents whose child needed an emergency appointment or had a complication that delayed other patients’ appointments, we completely understood, and if I’m honest, my heart broke a little bit for whoever was struggling and the medical team working with the family.

This is the kit the nurses use to access the port in his chest. His head popped up to see what I was doing, and the nurse came back so I couldn’t get a picture that looked a little less weird.

At the beginning of every appointment, Greg, Tate, and I try to guess what his ANC will be. Even the nurse Wendy has gotten in on the action the last two appointments. Greg and Tate, equally stubborn, both chose 960 and refused to budge. And wouldn’t you know, they were both exactly right! Tate’s ANC is within the 750-1500 range, so they’re going to keep his chemotherapy doses at the same amount. It is SO NICE he has been right where he’s supposed to be for a few weeks!

Everyone has to mask up when the nurse accesses Tate’s port to keep the room as sterile as possible, mom and dad included.

Today Tate got Vincristine at the appointment, and he will begin his 5-day steroid pulse tonight. He got a new prescription to help him sleep during steroid weeks, but in order for him to use it safely he has to stop taking Duloxotine, a drug he has been taking for a whole year. Duloxotine is supposed to help with nerve pain and also works as an anti-depressant, so Tate will really have to pay attention to how his body and brain feel as he weans off it.

Getting his sleep squared away during steroid weeks is super important. Tate wants to start college next semester, but the steroids wreck him so completely he is not sure how he will manage. We are hoping the new prescription will help make college a possibility by January 2020.

Tate was very wobbly after chemotherapy today, but he managed to walk to the car instead of using a wheelchair. Greg is always right there to catch him if needed.

Tate spent most of the afternoon asleep with his cat at his feet. Today one of his nurses said that not all the patients react so badly to chemotherapy; some of them even head straight to school after their appointments. I said I can’t think of a single drug he takes that doesn’t make him feel terrible. It got quiet in the room because none of us could think of a treatment day when Tate left feeling good. There hasn’t been one.

Tate has no appointments the rest of the week; he will be recovering from today’s chemotherapy and fighting through five days of steroids. He probably won’t feel good until Wednesday of next week if past treatments are an indication as to how this one will go.