I’ll Be Fine In A Week

Tate’s lumbar puncture and chemotherapy went well yesterday. He was the first patient so we had to check in by 6:45am. Tate wore a pair of wacky Tetris cat pants, striped fuzzy socks, and his warmest port shirt. The staff always appreciates his wardrobe.

Yesterday Tate got intrathecal Methotrexate and Vincristine at the clinic. He also began his 5-day steroid pulse, which he says is the worst part. It’s only day 2 of 5 and I have already made a mistake with them. I am so angry at myself, but it cannot be undone. His dose is 1.5 pills this morning and night, but this evening I realized I had to have cut the second pill in half and then given him both halves instead of one.

We learned from Tate’s doctor Monday that his immune system will be suppressed throughout the Maintenance phase. Dr. Williams explained that they know cancer cells are still in his body but that they are undetectable. The nightly dose of Mercaptopurine, monthly chemotherapy, and steroids are administered to kill new Leukemia cells as they appear or divide. He said, “You don’t even want one cell to survive. It all started with one cell.” That hit me pretty hard. One bad cell.

Grandma, Tate, and Tate’s cat Atticus

My mom left for home today after a week-long visit. The timing of it was excellent; she got to experience snow in the desert, attend a concert Scott was performing in at Gammage, and see Tate at his very best since his diagnosis in May. Tate was in pretty rough shape this morning after chemotherapy yesterday. He told her, “I’ll be fine in a week.” He’s probably right; it will likely take him that long to start feeling like himself again.

We have had to cancel the rest of his appointments for the week. His whole body feels sick from chemotherapy, making him physically unable to do school work, occupational therapy, or physical therapy. We are optimistic he will be ready to resume his Homebound classes on Monday.

Tate did not let feeling bad today completely quash his newly reinstated food freedom. He sent me to Subway for another Black Forest Ham footlong for his lunch!