Ice Cream for Dinner

Tate’s numbers are (barely) high enough to resume treatment this week.  Early tomorrow morning he is scheduled for a lumbar puncture, a bone marrow aspiration, intrathecal chemotherapy, two types of IV chemotherapy, and the three chemotherapy shots.

The results of the bone marrow aspiration are very important.  Huge.  The goal is “undetectable” cancer cells.  If the biopsy reveals he is still producing blasts, he will have to have a bone marrow transplant consultation.  The bone marrow will be sent to a special lab in Washington where it will be examined; I do not know how long it will take to get the results back.

I am trying not to do that thing I always do where I fall into a panic so big I can’t crawl out; a panic I spread via nervous text messages to my family and friends.  Instead, I am having ice cream and our neighbor’s m&m brownies for dinner.

I will have an update of sorts and a healthy dinner tomorrow.  Promise.