Hot & Cold

Tate has had a pretty good week.  He only got chemo on Monday, and it was only one drug, so his strength and energy levels have been increasing, and his overall quality of life is higher.  He has been hanging out with his cat Atticus when the cat is feeling cooperative, and he seems in a genuinely good mood.  His friend Nate visited and brought him balloons and lots and lots and lots of ice cream.

Yesterday he had a physical therapy appointment.  He worked really hard for an hour, and that left him completely wiped out!  He is working hard to regain his ability to walk.  He can take a few steps now, but the fall risk is enormous.

Today he had an occupational therapy appointment.  The purpose of these sessions is to get his hands working again.  He has made so much progress!  The occupational therapist told me she was able to get some measurements taken that were not possible when she first started working with him.  I asked her if that meant he was at “less than zero” when they started; she pursed her lips and nodded.  I don’t know exactly what she is measuring; but Tate’s finally on the chart!

Kinesiology tape is one of the tools the occupational therapist uses to help Tate’s fingers uncurl.  He can handle the tape being on for a few hours before it starts to hurt too much.  I try to apply the kinesiology tape on days his occupational therapist is not here, and it’s a comedy of errors every time; I apply it too high or too low, I can’t stretch it over to his thumb, it gets stuck to the table, it gets stuck to itself.  There are strips of abandoned black tape everywhere by the time I am finished.

Tate’s taste buds have been doing weird things again, and he is suddenly craving spicy Asian food.  For lunch he had some ramen that he encouraged me to try.  It was so spicy I cannot fathom anyone eating a whole bowl of it.  And I’m no wimp, I can handle some fire.  Greg tried the ramen for dinner and couldn’t finish his bowl.  It’s that spicy.

This picture shows a few great things.  First, Tate is able to hold the fork with enough ease that he can be playful for a picture.  A few weeks ago he was asking for chicken strips, pizza rolls, etc. because he was able to eat them without needing utensils.  Second, he has hair!  Third, that smile: saving the best for last.

The ramen was so spicy Tate ate some ice cream to counteract its effects.  I don’t think Tate’s friend Nate knew the ice cream would be used for medicinal purposes when he brought it over!  Ha!

Next week Tate will receive chemotherapy Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with multiple types of chemo on Monday.  He will get the shots only on Wednesday and Friday.  I’m hoping he feels good enough to go outside for a few minutes or to do something that brings him joy before he is hit hard again with treatment.