Help Us Protect Tate!

Today we went to Tate’s appointment expecting to be home by noon, but when they ran his blood work it indicated he badly needed platelets and two bags of blood.  Tate ended up having to stay at the clinic for more than 8 hours to get chemo, blood, and platelets.  The staff monitored him very closely after Tuesday’s scare, and everything went smoothly.

The other thing today’s blood work revealed is that Tate’s immune system has no ability to protect him from illness or infection.  Tate had gotten stronger for a couple weeks, but being back on chemotherapy is detrimental to his immune system.  We have to ask everyone to be extra diligent around him; his life depends on it.

Thank you for helping us keep him safe!

  • Please do not visit if you are sick, feel like you might be getting sick, or have a cough or fever.  You can’t.  Don’t.
  • If you live with someone that is sick with a cold, the flu, cough, or fever, please do not visit Tate.
  • Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer before entering his room.  I do.  Every time.
  • Once someone touches Tate’s food, it is no longer Tate’s food.  There are a lot of snacks in his room for sharing.  Please have as much as you like!  We have bowls and plates available so you can pour out as much as you want.  Please do not put your hand into the bag, box, container, etc.  I am a crazy paranoid mom and will throw the whole thing away if I suspect it is unsafe for Tate to eat.
  • Remove your shoes if you’re going to hang out on Tate’s bed.
  • Wear a mask.  We have lots and lots and lots, and we’re happy to provide you one.


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