All Cats

Tate declared he wanted to wear “all cats” to his appointment today.  He chose a kitten Christmas sweater and Garfield pajama bottoms.  The blanket we brought has a gigantic cat working a pepperoni pizza turntable.  (It’s a spectacular blanket.)  All cats!

Today Tate got Erwinia injections (3 at a time).  He has to get these shots 11 more times total, including Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of next week.  Tuesday he is scheduled to get more Vincrisine and Doxorubicin through his port.

The first round of chemotherapy hit Tate really hard.  He aches all over, and his light and sound sensitivities seem to have worsened with the increased dose of Vincristine.  He’s tired.  He’s pale.  He feels sick riding in the car.

Tate felt completely lousy leaving the appointment despite his festive attire.  Props to Greg for the excellent photo bomb.