A Few Quiet Days

Things didn’t go how we wanted them to this week, and we do not know which direction Tate’s treatment is headed. Tate has an appointment with his oncologist Monday morning. We hope to learn more. We hope the news is better.

Tate is doing awesome. He had school lessons Monday and Wednesday, and he had occupational therapy today. He is up and around the house as much as interests him, and he’s keeping himself busy playing games, doing homework, and being an all-around inspiring guy. With his low ANC, I put a ban on the cat being in his room. We can’t have Atticus spazzing out over nothing and scratching him again. Tate is a bit lonely without his pet, but he understands.

Yesterday I could hear Tate playing his cello. I sat outside his door for a few minutes, listening to him work through a piece he composed. Then, in a total creeper move, I took his picture without him knowing it.

I will always love this picture. Tate’s back is to the camera, but I can see he is holding his cello, and I know that he is playing. This is the Tate I remember from before his Leukemia diagnosis – the Tate that would get lost in music.

In the spirit of trying to do everything I can to help him get stronger, I announced to Tate I was going to start cooking healthier meals for him. I mean, it couldn’t hurt. To be clear, healthy food is always available at our house, but his oncologist does not stress a nutritious diet, and Tate takes full advantage of that. The last time Tate saw Dr. Williams at the clinic, he had a bag of licorice by his computer and shared them with us. Ha! Good to know the doctor walks his talk!

Scott didn’t get the message I prefer to fill Tate up with healthy food and brought home bags of delicious gummies. Tate loved it. Big brother for the win!

Baking pretzel rolls is still at thing at our house. I don’t think it falls into the “healthy foods” category at all! I still can’t get them to come out exactly how I want, but even the mediocre batches are so good.

These were kind of a mess from the beginning, yet somehow delicious.
Ludo, destroyer of all things, is unconcerned by my requests to help keep the house clean. He is hopelessly vibrant and happy all the time.
Out Editor In Chief Dwayne got an extra special treat this week. I can’t imagine being this excited by lettuce and apples.

We are hoping for an uneventful weekend. With Tate’s ANC so low, we are constantly aware that a trip to the ER for fever is a possibility. We’re just doing our best to keep him safe. Tate is in a great mood and is taking the opportunity during this extra cautious time to fake a cough, laugh, and roll away.

Good or bad, updates will come as we have them. Until then, we hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of year and each other.
